Saturday, November 8, 2008

Jack of all trades

Supposed to be posted on the 21st of October
Last night Jeremy Schambach stepped in and filled the shoes of Daniel Frazier. Filled them would be an understatement. Jeremy and Steven Hanson batted first and DOMINATED. Combined they scored 30 points!!!! That’s Right 30 POINTS!!!! That could be equivalent to scoring about 12 runs in a third of the first inning in the MLB. The game drew near to the end and the Capernwray Panthers were up 36 -34. And there was one over left. (That is like one half innings left in MLB) Two outs later the ref yelled to the crowd, “That is it folks the game is over.” “FANTASTIC!,” the crowd chanted. (There were only 3 people in the crowd) The Panthers pulled out the W, with a score of 36 – 32. I caught up with Jeremy in the locker room after the game and I asked him a couple of questions. He said “I actually don’t know what happened out there. I didn’t know how to play the game until about 20 minutes before this one began… then Rich told me to go and get my trainers (Running shoes) cause I was playing. I guess I’m just a natural.” Well there you have it folks the Great Jeremy Schambach is yet a Jack of yet another trade.
A couple of days later Jeremy Schambach was at it again. He and the Capernwray Panthers Futbol team traveled to Carnforth to PWN some NUBS. They finished the first half down 7-3 But soon after the half time speech by Coach Ian the Panthers were pumped and ready to dominate. They started off with a bang. Within the first 30 seconds of the 2nd half they had scored and the other team couldn’t stop the bleeding quick enough. The Panthers DID IT!!!! They pulled out the Win 8-7.
Needless to say it was a great week here at school. I have really enjoyed the community here at Capernwray. I’m sorry I haven’t been blogging a lot but I have been caught up with a bunch of activities, homework, and outreach. I hope all is going well with each and every one of you.

Later DAYS!
Jeremy N Schambach

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bushwa's Dream

So there is a guy is my prayer group whos name is bushwa. He is from Nepal and he's the BOMB! He was telling me today at tea that he had a dream about playing arcade pinball with Mr. and Mrs. Bever from The Chronicles of Narnia.

Life is going well at Capernwray Hall. Last week I started outreach. Every Wednesday for lunch I drive out with 4 girls to Ulverston. Our outreach is to talk to students that are walking past the church to center of town to get lunch. We then invite them in for free tea and pop. Last week was great we had about 30 students come in and there were a group of boys crowded around the table futbol (Fu
sball), laughing at my American accent. Little did they know that i was using that to distract them while i crushed them in table futbol. This weeks outreach was good but the weather wasn't great so the boys didn't stay for that long of a time because they needed to get back to school.

There are a lot of assignments being handed out so please be praying for me. Pray that I will manage my time wisely and not get behind. I will be traveling to Edinburgh, Scottland for travel weekend so wish me luck. Its going to be a blast!

I miss you all and how bout you start sending the snail mail.

Till later diay;)


Monday, September 29, 2008

A KING'S life style

Dear Diary,

Alright well to clarify if some of you didn't understand the last post. England is a great country. I love it here.

I am now at Capernwray Hall, and I am having a jolly ole time. The food isn't anything to write home about but its better than camp food. There are only 48 guys here, out of 180 total. So you do the math. Seems like odds are in my favor. I hope all is going well at home.

I have two roommates and neither of them are American. One is called Dan and he is Canadian and the other is called Sam and he is German.

The quarters that im staying in aren't really suited for a king but I think I will manage.

Till later Diary

Friday, September 26, 2008

Glorious goodies!

Hey all i have arrived safely and everything is just brilliant! I love it I'm staying in a friends home that live in Bromsgrove. Its a lovely home. Zack (my classmate from school) and I took a bike ride through the countryside today. I love it here. And the people I am staying with are lovely. We went out to a pub tonight and had some of the best British food around.

I am leaving for school tomorrow, I hope all is going well at home. Keep me in your prayers.

Jeremy N Schambach

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Starting the voyage

Hey all!

I'm getting ready to leave for the airport and my flight leaves in about 4 hours. Please be praying with me for a safe travel and a splendid arrival. Also please be praying that I do not loose focus of the main reason why I am over there. That is to study God's Word and have my eyes set on His will for me.

Well Cheerio!!!!

In His Service,

Jeremy N Schambach